Class groups can take part in the Premio by reading the selection of six novels. When the participation card that has been filled in and signed by a referential teacher arrives in the administrative office, a copy of the current six novels will be sent to the class.
The card can be sent by e-mail to
In this manner, the children can take part, together with the other class groups in singling out an author, who they can then meet in Cuneo, in November, during the Scrittorincittà event.
Furthermore, they can also take part in the activities that the Premio proposes during the year.
Each child, individually or with his/her class group, can send a short review of the novel he/she has read. The reviews will be published in the information periodical of the Premio: the Gazzetta del Primo Romanzo.
From the collaboration between the Festival du Premier Roman de Chambéry Savoie and the Premio Città di Cuneo per il Primo romanzo, groups of French readers are started, that read the selection proposed by the Premio Città di Cuneo per il Primo Romanzo in Italian. Likewise, there are groups of Italian readers that read the selection proposed by the Festival du Premier Roman de Chambéry-Savoie in French.
The Italian school groups that are interested in this can refer directly to the Administrative office of the Premio Città di Cuneo per il Primo romanzo.