Since 2008, thanks to the European Alcotra cross-border cooperation program, the two events have been able to enhance their promoting activity of reading among young people.
One more time, several reading groups of pupils from middle and secondary schools have started up alongside the main native tongue reading activity in Chambéry: young people read debut novels that have been selected from Cuneo in Italian. Committees of young readers have also started in exactly the same way in Italy.
They read French debut novels, in French of course. In the spirit of a cross-border project, the Italian and French readers will meet in May at the Festival du Premier Roman in Chambéry and in November at Scrittorincittà in Cuneo, where the Premio per il primo romanzo will be concluded.
During these events, the young people will meet the writers that they have appreciated the most, test themselves as translators, participate in writing workshops, and compare themselves with publishers, booksellers and journalists.
Readers, writers and books circulate from one language to another and from one country to another!